About North Hills Services, Inc.

North Hills Services Inc., Child Developmental Center (CDC) provides preschool services and specialized therapies for children having developmental disabilities ages birth to five years and integrated daycare for typically developing children. The direction, desire, and movement of North Hills have been to provide services and programs for children with disabilities. North Hills Services Inc., was established in 1957 out of the need for a program to educate and train the developmentally delayed in Pulaski county. North Hills was organized to fill the need for education and training of a child with a developmental disability and to awaken parents and educators to the fact that these children have their places in life, and under proper guidance, can find happiness. Our children range in developmental disabilities such as Autism, Down’s syndrome, Prader-Willi, and Global Developmental Delays.

At North Hills Services Inc. CDC All children are taught the skills necessary for daily life at home and in the community, as well as preparation for kindergarten. Our curriculum provides for development in all domains of learning. If determined by a multi-disciplinary team, a child may receive specialized therapy in Occupational Therapy addressing the child’s fine motor and sensory development. The child may also qualify for Physical Therapy addressing gross motor development and Speech Therapy addressing communication and oral motor concerns. Day Habilitation (another form of treatment offered) takes place in our classrooms and addresses all areas of development including gross motor, fine motor, communication and socialization, cognition, and self-help skills.
Our program stresses parental involvement since most of our families are perplexed due to inexperience of handling a child with a developmental delay. We are here to try to help parents understand their child’s disability and its impact on normal childhood development. The mission of North Hills Services Inc. exists to provide a vehicle to enable persons with developmental disabilities to achieve their maximum potential. This has been and continues to be our mission throughout our years.
North Hills is in compliance with Titles VI & VII of the Civil Rights Act and is operated, managed, and delivers its services without regard to sex, race, color or National Origin. An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. A United Way Agency.