Medical Services

North Hills Services has an RN and LPN on staff.
The nurse will perform the following services for your child: tube feeding, monitor oxygen tanks, catherizations, colostomy, seizure monitor, tracheostomy, injuries, illnesses, medication administration, etc. The nurse is also in charge of the Child Health Management Services program (CHMS). Hearing screenings are done at North Hills for most of the children who meet a criteria. The medical director will perform a physical assessment on all the CHMS children every 6 months. North Hills is also in partnership with Families, Inc. providing Mental Health Services to families that qualify. For more information, please contact them toll free at 877.595.8869 or visit them on the web.
Health Policy
A healthy child learns faster and shows consistent developmental growth. These aspects are affected when the child is not able to function in the classroom setting due to illness. If symptoms of illness are present, the parent will be notified so that arrangements for picking up the child can be made. There will have to be note from your child's doctor before being allowed to return to the center.
- Fever of 101.0 or higher
- Strep Throat
- Persistent Vomiting (3 or more at school)
- Diarrhea (3 or more episodes)
- Child has any contagious disease; the center needs to be notified immediately
- Head Lice
- Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)
- Thrush
Immunizations Schedule
In order to attend North Hills Services, Inc. your child has to be up to date on all their immunizations. According to the Arkansas State Board of Health, no infant or child shall be admitted to attend a childcare facility in this state who has not been age-appropriately immunized against poliomyelitis, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, red (rubeola) measles, rubella, mumps, Haemophilus influenza type b, hepatitis B, pneumococcal disease and varicella (chickenpox), as evidenced by an immunization record from a licensed physician or a public health department acknowledging the immunization.
- DTP: 2 Month ; 4 Month ; 6 Month; 12-18 Month; 4-6 Years
- Polio: 2 Month; 4 Month; 6-18 Month; 4-6 Years
- Hib: 2 Month; 4 Month; 6 Month; 15 Month
- MMR: 12-15 Month
- Hepatitis B: Birth 2-4 Month ; 18 Month
- Varicella (chicken Pox): 19 Month (If your child has not had this vaccine but has had the chicken pox please notify us so we can update their records).
- Pneumococcal: 2 Month; 4 Month; 6 Month; 12-15 Month
What is CHMS?
Child Health Management Services (CHMS) provides both developmental and medically focused treatment for children who are Arkansas Medicaid beneficiaries and who meet the qualifying criteria. These services are available in a day school setting and include physician and nursing services, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, nutrition, early childhood developmental teaching and psychological services. Nutrition Services are offered through UAMS. CHMS services are intended for children with the most significant medical and/or developmental diagnoses who require multidisciplinary treatment. This is a program offered at North Hills Services Inc. if your child qualifies.